May Teacher of the Month

May Teacher of the Month
Posted on 05/03/2021
Picture of Mrs. Lemon, Dragon of the Month
Please help me by sending lots of sparkles to Mrs. Ann Lemon!! Mrs. Lemon is nominated as our May teacher of the month. And, this is most deserved. Mrs. Lemon has served her team as grade level chair for two years now and does a wonderful job leading and facilitating grade level meetings. We all know, Ms. Lemon is organized, prepared, and sets high expectations for her students.

Ms. Lemon's strong classroom instruction sets her students up for success. She works to meet the needs of all learners and uses classroom data to guide her instruction. As you walk into Ms. Lemon's classroom you will find her consistently working in small groups and using strategy groups to increase student understanding and achievement.

In addition to her strong instruction, Ms. Lemon participates in various after school activities. She has led our Disney School Musical over the past several years. The musical is one of our biggest school events and is not a small project to take on. This is such a fun way for our upper grade students to also get to spend time learning and growing with Ms. Lemon!

Ann, we appreciate all that you do for us at Westmeade. You are an integral part of our school and community and we wouldn't have it any other way.